The Novel was published by Lighthouse Publishing in 2012 and won an Illumination Book Award in 2013. Available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Lighthouse Publishing.
Novel Brings the Biblical Magi to Life
Quest for Light - Adventure of the Magi, joins the Biblical Magi in their harrowing adventure across Persia in search of the one, true God. Appealing to the Magi through His star, God calls upon these warrior priests to be among the first people to learn of the Hebrew Messiah’s birth. Our journey takes us along the Silk Road, the first century’s information super-highway, where we meet the soldiers, merchants, and other travelers whose lives intersect with the Magi and their companions.
Intrigued by the mystery and theological significance of the Magi, Byron based his story on Scripture and historical accounts of the era.
Quest for Light - Adventure of the Magi provides a fresh and unique perspective on the events and circumstances surrounding Christ’s birth. The significance of God’s star and the role of the Magi are highlighted in the Christmas miracle of God coming to live among men, as a baby born to a virgin.